À propos de nous
Marguerite Fobe
Board Chairwoman
Co-Founder and chief visionary, Marguerite is the driving force behind the education programs. With 45 years experience as teacher she contributes to the Green Mango development.
Marine Issumo
Global Coordinator
Marine loves taking on challenges. With her multi-year experience as an entrepreneur and board members of charities in DRC, she puts people in distress at the center of the attention.
Dr Gaël Nzuzi Mavungu
Prof. at Vetenary Faculty of Lubumbashi
Gaël is one of the iconic people in life who can say they love what they do and are thrilled to share their knowledge. Green Mango benefits from his expertise in teaching and beekeeping.
Virginie Issumo
co-founder & fundraiser
Virginie, with her experience in impact finance, helps us easily build partnerships with private and institutional supporters. She is determined to contribute to the missions of Green Mango.